Picture of Baby Xavier
Cutest Beagle Ever.

Darn Tootin'
Sundry Mourning
Darn Lucky
Fly in the Honey
Marn's Big Adventure
Go Fug Yourself
Debaucherous & Dishevelled
Drunken Bee
Blue Poppy

2005-06-29 2:21 p.m.

This is my last day of work, this is my last day of work....

Can you tell I am excited? No more crappy customers, people that don't know what they want and expect me to read their minds and divine the solution out of the air. Ahh, when I go home, I will crack open a nice, cold, adult beverage, salut the idiots, and take a long swig.

Then I will proceed to pack the crap out of my house.

Last night Chief and I finished packing the dining room and kitchen. Today after work he will be going to the store to buy glass boxes. We counted all of our glasses last night, all of the wine, highball, juice, coffee mugs and came up with a grand total of...96. 96 freakin' glasses for two people. We have enough glasses to drink for over a month without washing a single one, provided, of course, that we only use one a day. He is also going to get the wardrobe boxes. What a fab-jabulous idea! It is a tall box that has a metal bar running through the top, so all you have to do grab your stuff from the closet, hang it up on the bar, close the lid and move. That's Hot.

In the midst of all of the packing, a couple is stopping by today at 6:15pm to look at the house, and then a realtor is stopping by tomorrow to look at it for herself. Keep your fingers crossed and the "you better sell, dammit" vibes going.

And that's really all I have to say today. Hooray for last days!!

Old StormNew Storm