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2005-06-30 - My list for today.
2005-06-29 - Last Day of Work
2005-06-28 - Tuesday
2005-06-24 - Wide Awake.
2005-06-22 - A List.
2005-06-21 - Eldest does not equal Endless Supply of Money
2005-06-17 - Catching Up
2005-06-15 - More drama
2005-06-14 - The state of my union.
2005-06-13 - My weekend events: A List.
2005-06-10 - This may cure my anxiety.
2005-06-09 - Housing Crisis of 2005
2005-06-08 - Yesterday was a bust.
2005-06-06 - 5 Questions plus I hate being a Home Owner Part, the Second.
2005-06-03 - Things have been decided...
2005-06-02 - Rant Rant Rant
2005-06-01 - Not really for me.
2005-05-31 - Xavier's Leaky Butt
2005-05-27 - Yay Friday before a Hliday Weekend!
2005-05-27 - Putting away the clock.
2005-05-26 - InLaws and OutLaws
2005-05-25 - Noooo!
2005-05-25 - My untrained dog
2005-05-25 - My untrained dog
2005-05-24 - Balancing again.
2005-05-23 - My Chicago Trip, AKA Chicago traffic can kiss my ***.
2005-05-17 - The Bad and The Good
2005-05-12 - Xavier is an Excellent Co-Worker
2005-05-10 - Death to CSS
2005-05-09 - Anti-Softball
2005-05-05 - Now I just start to show off my mad skillz.
2005-05-05 - TA DA!!
2005-05-04 - -
2005-05-04 - -
2005-05-04 - test3
2005-05-04 - Test2
2005-05-04 - Testing
2005-05-02 - Designing is Hard.
2005-04-29 - Questioned by the Man
2005-04-25 - Not a good weekend.
2005-04-19 - A quick recap.
2005-04-15 - That is a major sentence you got going on.
2005-04-11 - Hoo baby, you might just want to skip over this...
2005-04-08 - Beware of chows.
2005-04-07 - Seriously- I need to stop while I am ahead.
2005-04-06 - Starting Over. Again.
2005-04-04 - Military school?
2005-04-01 - My eyes need them!
2005-03-30 - I heart Omar Epps
2005-03-29 - So much work, so little time.
2005-03-28 - I should work from home today too.
2005-03-22 - Will they ever be normal?
2005-03-21 - I'm here to help.
2005-03-16 - I'm trying to be an adult here, but I am getting weird vibes.
2005-03-14 - A Few Open Letters
2005-03-05 - Mmmm, Skyline
2005-03-02 - Is driving with one eye a good idea?
2005-02-23 - Self pity is the worst kind, but I don't care.
2005-02-22 - The blue compliments my eye color.
2005-02-06 - A cute three bedroom!
2005-02-04 - Surgery
2005-02-02 - Prima Donnas and Drama Queens
2005-02-01 - -
2005-02-01 - She is named after a muppet on Sesame Street.
2005-01-31 - Old Mother Hubbard
2005-01-27 - I mean, it was All Over.
2005-01-26 - I really don't feel like falling on my ass.
2005-01-25 - 100 Things takes forever to write
2005-01-19 - My star pupil.
2005-01-17 - I am not a chew toy
2005-01-14 - Moka Java is the coolest name for coffee, ever.
2005-01-13 - String cheese and a puppy beagle do not go well together.
2004-11-29 - Happy Thanksgiving (A few days late)
2004-11-22 - Just give her the money! Why make her work for it?
2004-11-16 - Christmas? It isn't even Thanksgiving yet!
2004-11-10 - A brief explanation on what I have been doing with my free hours this week, since my significant other is away on a business trip.
2004-11-08 - Please don't say that again...
2004-11-04 - Updates
2004-11-02 - I am such a slacker
2004-10-29 - Friday Wrap Up
2004-10-27 - Birthdays and Halloween
2004-10-26 - A holiday entry already?
2004-10-22 - Fridays at the Office
2004-10-20 - Maybe you should back away from your In Laws...
2004-10-19 - No More Carrots!
2004-10-14 - Different beliefs
2004-10-12 - Umm, you may want to get that checked out?
2004-10-07 - "Supersize, supersize, it's the American Way"
2004-10-05 - It was going to be this one thing, but then it changed
2004-10-04 - What the?!?!?
2004-09-29 - Lame- O is his Name-O
2004-09-24 - PMSing much?
2004-09-23 - Chief and His Tribe
2004-09-22 - Just the Facts..... so far

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